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Tea 101 : Where to find Loose Leaves Tea [Manila,Philippines]

Tea has a lot of benefits to your body. When I say Tea, what I mean is the REAL TEA  and "not your so full of artificial flavor Milk Tea" or anything that is commonly sold in stalls. 

So if you are struggling to look for loose leaves tea and buy it for an affordable price you better get ready. 

Where to find Loose leaves tea ?

Bee Tin Grocery  -  A good source of chinese goods
Address: 733-735 Ongping St, Binondo, Manila

This is how the store banner looks like. If you're struggling to
see the actual store, ask the locals!

They do not accept credit cards here, only pay in cash. Their products range from noodles,canned goods, chinese ingredients to mochi's and teas.

Available Loose leaves tea

Oolong Loose leavesTea 500 grams - PHP 240.00

I have taste this and its so good, I didn't put any milk or sweetener to purely taste it.
Rating : 10/10

They have Black and Green Tea (500 grams) loose leaves too !

Lyon's Earl Grey - PHP 80.00 

This is my first time drinking earl grey (I didn't add any milk or sweetener) and I'm not disappointed. It is good just don't over steep it or it will leave you a bitter taste.
Rating : 10/10

Matcha Powder - PHP 190.00 (haven't bought it yet)

They also sell a variety of Gold Leaf Brand Teas (Another brand of tea to try!).

They also have wintermelon PHP 100.00

Tea has a proper way to prepare check this video to learn how.


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